Our Rules

User Conduct

• Respect all users: Treat all members with respect and professionalism. No harassment, bullying, or discriminatory behavior will be tolerated.
• Honest communication: Ensure all interactions and information shared on the platform are honest and accurate.

Privacy and Confidentiality

• Protect privacy: Do not share personal or confidential information of others without consent.
• Respect intellectual property: Respect the intellectual property rights of others; do not post or share content that you do not own or have permission to use.

Project Submission and Promotion

• Accurate descriptions: Ensure that all project descriptions and proposals are accurate and provide a truthful representation of the project's potential and risks.
• No misleading information: Avoid exaggerating or providing misleading information about projects or investment opportunities.

Investment Activities

• Adherence to laws: Comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to investment and fundraising.
• Due diligence: Encourage users to conduct their own due diligence before investing in any project.

Content Guidelines

• Relevant content only: Post content that is relevant to entrepreneurship, innovation, investment, and related topics.
• No spam: Avoid posting spam or irrelevant promotional material.

Conflict Resolution

• Report issues: Encourage users to report any conflicts or issues to the IIRN team promptly.
• Professional resolution: Commit to resolving disputes professionally and in accordance with the platform's policies.

Platform Use

• Appropriate use: Use the platform for its intended purpose of connecting entrepreneurs with investors and vice versa.
• No illegal activities: Prohibit the use of the platform for any illegal activities or transactions

Data Security

• Protect your account: Users should keep their login credentials secure and report any suspected breach of account security.
• Responsible data handling: Handle all data on the platform responsibly and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Feedback and Suggestions

• Encourage feedback: Welcome feedback and suggestions from users to improve the platform.
• Constructive criticism: Provide feedback in a constructive manner, respecting the efforts and intentions of all members.

Changes to Rules

• Stay informed: Regularly review the platform's rules as they may be updated over time.
• Compliance with updates: Agree to comply with any changes or updates to the rules. These rules are designed to create a safe, respectful, and productive environment for all members of the IIRN community. You can tailor these suggestions to better fit the specific needs and objectives of your platform.